Dating.. Step 2

Sometimes we can be so focused on what another person has to offer that we haven’t even stop to think, what do we actually bring to the table? You expect to meet someone who has an amazing job, has their own place, drives a bmw, goes on multiple holidays a year, has loads of hobbies, … Continue reading Dating.. Step 2

Dating.. Step 1

So many enter the dating world demanding I want this type of person, I want that kind of person, they set so many prerequisites that automatically exclude people who may be a perfect match for them. We can’t always meet the finished product, as humans are we not constantly changing and evolving.. in most cases … Continue reading Dating.. Step 1


So many lost chapters pages filled with pain, pages filled with grieve, anguish and anger.. either lost or thrown away Now I keep everything, every word I write every page I fill, emotions spilled with no remorse, no second thoughts about who may be triggered or offended They say if the shoe fits then wear … Continue reading Triggered?!

Drug fuelled… blurred memories

Fussy thoughts blurred memories, thats a perfect vision of my yesterday I was drug fuelled, silently sitting in the space between reality and insanity My anxieties and insecurities masked so beautifully Some would even say perfectly I’d say I was walking a path with no destiny With every inhale came perceived new abilities But with … Continue reading Drug fuelled… blurred memories

Mixed Emotions and Memories

Last night I saw you in my sleep I don’t know if it was a nightmare, dream or sweet fantasy Mixed emotions, memories of complete ecstasy consume me Awake now I sit confused by your presence, the sudden appearance in my minds eye, the invasion of my peace No warning, no explanation at all A … Continue reading Mixed Emotions and Memories

But still you stay..

Clutching at straws gasping for air begging for crumbs from the one who emptied your plate, the one who sucked the air from your lungs Leaving you void, leaving you on the side of the road like roadkill for the vultures to pick at But still you stay, asking for more, a gluten for punishment … Continue reading But still you stay..

Unapologetic Living

I’m channelling love from the crevices of my soul to warm the cold spot in my heart.. created by pain, magnified by loss I have a soft spot for that warm fussy feeling, that intense feeling, an unquenchable yearning for you I have Not a need but a want Not a.. I can’t live without … Continue reading Unapologetic Living

Looking for love?! Look No further..

We must learn to love ourselves before we can love another. This is a well known fact now. Knowing our self worth is so important. So many times in our life we search for a partner, someone to love us, someone to make us happy. We walk into relationships searching for someone to complete us. … Continue reading Looking for love?! Look No further..