
So many lost chapters pages filled with pain, pages filled with grieve, anguish and anger.. either lost or thrown away Now I keep everything, every word I write every page I fill, emotions spilled with no remorse, no second thoughts about who may be triggered or offended They say if the shoe fits then wear … Continue reading Triggered?!

Drug fuelled… blurred memories

Fussy thoughts blurred memories, thats a perfect vision of my yesterday I was drug fuelled, silently sitting in the space between reality and insanity My anxieties and insecurities masked so beautifully Some would even say perfectly I’d say I was walking a path with no destiny With every inhale came perceived new abilities But with … Continue reading Drug fuelled… blurred memories

Mixed Emotions and Memories

Last night I saw you in my sleep I don’t know if it was a nightmare, dream or sweet fantasy Mixed emotions, memories of complete ecstasy consume me Awake now I sit confused by your presence, the sudden appearance in my minds eye, the invasion of my peace No warning, no explanation at all A … Continue reading Mixed Emotions and Memories


Life is a collection of moments fused together creating an illusion called time Moments called now, right now this second plus the next forming minutes and hours Days, weeks, months and years spent not realising where the time went We can hardly differentiate between our memories across the years, so we place them all in … Continue reading Moments