Be Present.. Live In The Now

A lot of the time we’re so focused on what’s happened in the past or what could possibly happen in the future that we forget about the now, the present moment.

Life is not the past or future it’s a sequence of never ending moments all called now. 

Focusing on that which we have no control over is futile.

Forget about yesterday and stop worrying about tomorrow. Remember time is an illusion. What you do now is what’s important.

-Dionne MT-

Breathe Think Write Release 

One thought on “Be Present.. Live In The Now

  1. Great stuff. My two furry friends and myself over at the “Gilmours Nice Place” blog believe that life happens NOW, and not in the past or future. Meow from Mr Midnight, purr purr from Sir Winston and kind regards from myself. 🙂

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