You Can’t Control Everything

Recognise that there are some things that are out of your control. 

If we waste energy stressing on these things which we have no control over we’ll loose our minds as our mind try’s to find new ways to get the outcome you want coming up short each time because it is simply out of your control. Just relax. Live life focusing on what you can control and let the rest just naturally flow. Once you ensure that the positive energy you are putting out into the universe out weighs any negative energy you may give out then you have nothing to worry about. The reason I say outweigh is because we have to be realistic with ourselves. Living a life based on positive thinking doesn’t mean you don’t have negative thoughts because in reality you do. What it means is that you are aware of these thoughts and when one creeps into your home you make a conscious effort to kick it out by changing it into a positive one. 

Once the scale is tipped and the amount of positive energy you expel exceed 51% of your thoughts then the scale is tipped to the positive side.

There are some things which we have no control over. I feel like once we accept this, we can relax and live life embracing it for what it is. A bunch of moments some within and some out of our control. 

-Dionne MT-

Breathe Think Write Release

Live and let go. Don't be held down by what you can't control

2 thoughts on “You Can’t Control Everything

  1. I recently just learnt I can’t control everything and I must confess its helping me greatly. Nice post,completely relatable👍

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